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My Approach


What's in a story?

Stories can imprison us or they can set us free. At it's heart, Narrative Therapy focuses on the the way stories shape how we move through the world, how we see ourselves, and how we are in relationship with others. The 'Problem Story' is the one that has you stuck, that jumps to limiting conclusions about who you are and the life you are living. Often these conclusions are rooted in the beliefs of the dominant culture (perhaps of a family, community, workplace, society and so on). But your life is much bigger than the problem you want to address. Narrative Therapy co-founder Michael White is famously quoted saying, "The person is not the problem, the problem is the problem."


I work together with people using thoughtfully crafted questions, to draw out the lesser-told stories of their lives - stories that speak to their responses to whatever difficulty they are facing, the beliefs they uphold, and what they want to stand for in this world. These are stories that strengthen sense of self, and affirm what a person is reaching for in life. For more info and resources about Narrative Therapy check out


Therapeutic Documents

I often engage in the practice of writing therapeutic documents as a way to catch the words and ideas of clients that come about in our sessions. These documents might take the form of a letter or poem, and are usually read to the client in a subsequent session. Hearing one's own words in this way can provide clarity, validation, or a sense of empowerment. This practice is also useful to maintain continuity between sessions.

Vintage Typewriter
Mindfulness & Embodiment Practices

I have extensive training and experience using mindfulness and embodied movement to increase one's connection to present moment, mind, and body. Using these practices, i have helped folks manage symptoms such as anxiety, dissociation, and tension.

References & links

Epston, D. ;

Newman, D (2008). Rescuing the said from the saying of it: Living documentation in narrative therapy.  Dulwich Centre Publication.

*My learning, understanding & refinement of these practices has come from the generosity of the folks at the Calgary Narrative Collective-Loree Stout, Sanni Paljakka, Tiffany Saxton and Tom Carlson. Foundational to all of these ideas are the brilliance of Michael White and the  pedagogy of David Epston.

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